Quick Update and a Controversial Take…

Good news! Book content is up past 76% DONE at this point and I’m close to putting a bow on this first draft of the manuscript!

There was also a tremendous amount of FANTASTIC feedback on the book intro. A special thank you to those who read the intro, made comments, sent your thoughts, emailed feedback, and more. That kind of input is so valuable this early on.

This whole “writing in public” process is a humbling experiment but your feedback and support have been making it all worthwhile!

As for the book title… I’ve been eager to finalize that. This week, I retained a book titling pro to help me dial in the right title for the book, which is really exciting. More on that in a future update!

In the interim, it’s been so great to see my framework getting flushed out and the playbook coming together. It feels wonderful to put down in words the exact strategies I’ve been using with clients for 20+ years in an accessible format that readers can use.

While (surprisingly) controversial when it comes to writing business books, I’m a strong advocate for actionable, tactical books. This means going beyond just the What and Why… and also including the HOW. We’ve all read non-fiction that gets you excited but then doesn’t tell you HOW to do anything. Those might be good for the author’s lead generation… but they’re frustrating to me as an action oriented reader.

That’s why I feel so strongly about the actionable playbook format I’m using! And I hope you feel the same way, too!

Alright, that’s all for now. Thank you again for your love, support, encouragement, and feedback!

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