6 years ago for my birthday, Emily and I visited our good friend Charles in München for Oktoberfest. It was a ton of fun with beer to be had, arms to be linked and songs to be sung.
This year, en route to my birthday trip to Italy, we planned our layover to be in München, where we once again met up with Charles.
After meeting us at baggage claim with a Lebkuchen for Emily and a Glückskäfer with chocolate for me, Charles informed us that there was a 40 minute express train to Oktoberfest from the airport and we’d have just enough time to leave the airport, enjoy a beer or two and get back in time for our flight to Pisa.

We caught up on the train and made it to the Oktoberfest fair grounds without incident with just enough time to pop into a few tents, down a few beers, and stuff our faces with Pommes (delicious fries).
This year marked the 200th annual Oktoberfest, and we couldn’t have asked for better timing, weather, friends or beer.
Given how early we stopped by in the day, while the tents were full and the music was lively, there was no public drunkenness to be seen and the areas outside of the tent were full, yet calm.
Thanks, Charles, for making this birthday wish come true!
Here are some photos from our Oktoberfest 2010 Visit
This looks like soooooooo much fun! I’m incredibly envious. And I also want beer now. So thanks . . . But really, sounds like you had an awesome trip. Can’t wait to hear/see more . . . maybe some evening when we meet up for a climb. ;)